The Fundraising Committee would like to thank everyone that worked hard to sell the plants. Your participation made this a very easy fundraiser. We would like to recognize our top sellers. The member with the most sales was Shelley Harvey! Shelley sang Jingle all the way to 42 plants sold!!! Amazing job Shelley and thank you so much. Holly Puglio came in second, with 29 plants sold, Patti DeFrank, third with 25 plants sold and Helen DeFrank was a close fourth with 24 plants sold. Thank you to these to sellers for going above and beyond in your support of our fundraiser. A huge thank-you also goes out to each and everyone of you that sold poinsettias for this fundraiser. Without your participation, we would not have seen the success that we achieved. I have attached the final numbers for your review. Thank you all again for supporting your Zonta Club.
Karolyn Graves and Holly Puglio Co-Chairs, Fundraising.