Zonta Service
October Bingo - Olean Zonta Club
A great time was had by all the Bradford Zontians who attended the Olean Zonta Club Bingo fundraiser today! We love being able to support our sister clubs in their fundraising efforts.

Foster Brook Creamery Boo Bash
Thanks to Zontians Erin Bridge and Crystal Salada who along with their children participated in the Foster Brook Creamery Boo Bash this evening. Our members donated candy to help support this fun event! Zontian Suzy Zirkle showed up with her daughter and cute grandbabies to partake in some boo bash fun!

Zonta Club Works with Futures Rehabilitation Center for a Day of Fun
And the beat goes on!! Today we found our rhythm with some help from our friends at Futures! Led by Zontian Suzy Zirkle and fellow Zontians Holly Puglio, Ronda Skoken and Linda Gault we introduced Cardio Drumming as a great way to stay in shape and have some fun! We hope our friends had as much fun as we did and we can’t wait to go back again.

Zonta Judges Scarecrow Contest at PumpkinFest
Congrats to our scarecrow contest winners, 1st place Mrs. Bell’s 5th grade class from school st, 2nd place Starlit Dance Connection 3rd place TLC 3rd and 4th grade class. We love seeing this contest grow every year!

Italian Festival 2024
Selling homemade cookies and fried dough are a hit at the I-fest!